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Welcome to Aimi's Wholesale Program

Crafting Connections, Stitch by Stitch

Why Partner with Aimi?

  1. Quality and Variety: Each Aimi crochet kit is meticulously designed, ensuring a delightful crafting experience. Our range includes diverse patterns and themes, catering to all skill levels.
  2. Support and Resources: We provide comprehensive support to our wholesale partners. This includes marketing materials, product training, and dedicated customer service.
  3. Competitive Pricing: Our wholesale program is structured to offer competitive pricing, ensuring a good margin while maintaining the high quality our brand is known for.
  4. Community Engagement: Join a community passionate about crafting. We regularly engage our audience through workshops, social media events, and collaborative projects.

How to Get Started

  1. Inquire: Fill out our inquiry form below to express your interest. We want to know more about your business and how we can collaborate effectively.
  2. Catalog Access: Upon approval, gain access to our exclusive wholesale catalog. Here, you’ll find detailed information about our products, including pricing, MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity), and order processing times.
  3. Order and Delivery: Place your orders directly through our streamlined ordering system. We ensure timely and secure delivery to keep your inventory well-stocked.
  4. Continuous Support: Our team is always here to assist you with any queries or support you might need.

Contact Us

Have questions? Reach out to our wholesale team at info@aimikcrochet.com. We're here to help you every stitch of the way!

Subscription Form

Discount Offers

Build Your Bundle

Buy one crochet kit at full price. Buy two kits at a 10% discount. Buy three kits at a 20% discount. Buy four kits at a 25% discount.

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